Dr. Sheeley addresses the imbalances that harm health. Dr. Sheeley works with the body’s design to restore balance to compromised systems. Learn more at our YouTube channel or contact us today.
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Restorative Sleep
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Work-Life Balance
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Stress Resilience
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Welcome to Looking Glass Integrative Wellness
Once the appropriate analysis has been performed, Dr. Sheeley uses nutrition, herbal remedies, and many other modalities to achieve this goal. The key is eliminating the obstacles to cure, providing the conditions for health, and gently restoring normal function to compromised systems.
Intensive Foundational Wellness Consulting
This is the first step for most clients. It consists of a detailed assessment to determine your optimum strategy for wellness and appropriate follow-up to ensure your success. It includes:
Extended history interview and assessment
Vitalistic assessment of nutritional and dietary strengths and weaknesses
Recommendation of strategies to offset physiological imbalances
A written plan individually designed for your wellness goals
Follow-up appointment as needed to assess progress and determine next steps
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9 - 12 AM and 1 - 5 PM
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